Monday, February 20, 2012

Valentine's Day in Review

I love Valentine's Day. 
Love it.
It's probably because I'm a sucker for any day where eating mass amounts of chocolate is encouraged, or it might be because I have the perfect Valentine (cheesy I know), but I love it either way.

In kindergarten last Tuesday we made simple Valentine cards for mommies and daddies and friends.
Angry Birds and Hello Kitty make these six-year-olds pretty happy.
{Oh, young love.}

Ryan and I celebrated our own love at an adorable Italian place on the beach and with gifts and Mexican dinner on the official day. 

{Nine V-Days together and counting!}


  1. i love this. i swear i never get tired of reading valentines day posts. i love love :)happy 9th vday!

  2. you two are so cute! love that picture of you at the table
