Sunday, October 9, 2011

A Day in Nampo

Last weekend, after a Saturday of travel and a Sunday consumed with moving, (to a slightly larger apartment with a somewhat better view!) Monday demanded relaxation.  We spent our holiday in Nampo-dong, a popular neighborhood in Busan with tons of outdoor vendors and cutesy boutiques; numerous restaurants and inviting coffee shops.  You might remember a particularly unique adventure we had in Nampo involving live octopus...

We spent most of our day off getting reacquainted with the winding streets and narrow alleys that comprise the area.  Later we found a coffee shop where we sat next to open windows and enjoyed the fall sunshine.  Summer has definitely left Busan, but winter has yet to arrive.  I love the fall days here where it's warm enough to get away without wearing a jacket apart from the early morning hours.

In the afternoon we stopped into an adorable cupcake shop for some take-out treats before heading to one of our favorite Korean restaurants for some cheesy rice and refreshing beer to tame the spice.  It was the perfect way to recharge before the work week.
cupcakes: "I love cookie" & "red velvet"--yumm!

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